A Chronology of the First World War

Main Index

A day-by-day chronology of World War One.

  Severance of Diplomatic Relations
  Declarations of War

Events of 1914
  June, 1914
  July, 1914
  August, 1914
  September, 1914
  October, 1914
  November, 1914
  December, 1914

Events of 1915
  January, 1915
  February, 1915
  March, 1915
  April, 1915
  May, 1915
  June, 1915
  July, 1915
  August, 1915
  September, 1915
  October, 1915
  November, 1915
  December, 1915

Events of 1916
  January, 1916
  February, 1916
  March, 1916
  April-, 1916
  May, 1916
  June, 1916
  July, 1916
  August, 1916
  September, 1916
  October, 1916
  November, 1916
  December, 1916

Events of 1917
  January, 1917
  February, 1917
  March, 1917
  April, 1917
  May, 1917
  June, 1917
  July, 1917
  August, 1917
  September, 1917
  October, 1917
  November, 1917
  December, 1917

Events of 1918
  January, 1918
  February, 1918
  March, 1918
  April, 1918
  May, 1918
  June, 1918
  July, 1918
  August, 1918
  September-, 1918
  October, 1918
  November, 1918
  December, 1918

Closing Diplomacy
  Events of 1919

“It is most profitable, it is blessed, to be always looking beyond second causes in all our trials and distresses, and to discern the Lord's hand, in infinite love and wisdom, appointing all. For this brings the soul into a state of resignation and tranquility at least, if not of holy Joy.”
–Robert Hawker, Poor Man’s Commentary, Psalm 17 Reading may bring a truth into the head, meditation brings it into the heart!”
–Thomas Watson, A Treatise Concerning Meditation