Ross, which also includes Cromarty, is a county of North Scotland, having Inverness, Beauly Firth, Moray Firth on the S., Dornoch Firth and Sutherland on the W., and including also the Isle of Lewis. The area is over 2,000,000 acres. The west coast is rugged and bold, and has many lochs, e.g. Alst, Carron, Ewe, Broom, Little Broom, Torridon, and Greinord, while on the east coast are Beauly Loch and Firth, Cromarty and Dornoch Firths. The peninsula called the Black Isle is very fertile, while in some parts are mountains and deep glens, the mean height of the mountains being 3,000 ft. In the W. is excellent pasture, and good cattle and sheep are reared. There are no great rivers, but there are five lakes, of which Loch Maree is 12 miles long and two broad. The county returns one member. The chief towns are Dingwall, Stornoway, and Cromarty.