Phocion (402 ?-317 B.C.), an Athenian general and statesman. He studied under Plato and Xenocrates, from whom he may have derived his contempt for the Athenians and indifference as to the preservation of their republican institutions. Although he always advocated a peace policy, his services in the field were so valuable that he was forty-five times elected general. His success at Byzantium in 340 compelled Philip to withdraw from the Hellespont. He showed himself a consistent politician by adhering to Alexander the Great (who held him in high esteem) and endeavouring to check the struggle for independence known as the Lamian War (323-22). He supported Antipater's son Cassander against the Macedonian regent Polysperchon, and was given up by the latter to the Athenians, who put him to death.