Lark, any bird of the Passerine family Aiaudidse, with fifteen genera, containing 110 species, chiefly from Asia and Africa. The inner secondaries are considerably elongated, and about equal to the primaries; the hind claw considerably lengthened, and nearly straight, or very slightly curved, and the tarsi scutellated behind. The type-genus Alauda, with seventeen species, ranges over the Palsearctic region, all Africa, India, and Ceylon. They are small birds, plain-coloured, or spotted and streaked, nesting on the ground, noted for their song as they rise aloft, and valued for the table. The Skylark (A. arvensis) is a common British bird, partially migratory, though very many remain during the winter. In the autumn great flocks come from the Continent to England, which serves in some sort as a starting-place for migration southwards. The general length is about seven inches, and of the female a little less. The plumage on the upper parts is brown of various shades; the throat and top of the breast pale wood-brown, with dark spots, and the lower parts are pale yellowish-brown, with a darker wash on the thighs and flanks. The feathers of the head, which are dark brown with a pale edging, form a crest. The skylark is a common cagebird, and its song has been celebrated by poets. A. arborea, the Woodlark, also British, is a much rarer bird; and A. cristata, the Crested Lark, and Otocorysalpestris, occasionally visit this country.