Hebert, Jacques Rene (1757-94), one of the most influential of the extreme revolutionists, was born at Alencon, where his father was a goldsmith. Before the Revolution he was employed at the box-office of the Varietes theatre, but in 1790 he established his infamous journal Le Pere Duchesne. It has not been proved that Hebert took part in the September massacres, but his journal always strongly advocated proscription. On September 22nd, 1792, he became the deputy of Chaumette. procureur of the Commune (q.v.). With the help of the Cordeliers Club and the Sections, the Hebertists were able to overthrow the Girondins (q.v.), by whose committee of twelve Hebert had been for a slort time put under arrest; but they incurred the dislike of Robespierre by their atheistic principles and their influence with the sansculottes, and, having indiscreetly talked of insurrection, they were speedily tried, condemned, and guillotined in the spring of 1794.