Hazaras, the inhabitants of the mountainous region of North Afghanistan between Kabul and Herat, who are undoubtedly of Mongolo-Tartar origin, though now speaking a medieeval form of Persian and belonging to the Siah or Persian division of the Mohammedan religion. They are called Moghel, i.e. Moghuls, by their Ghilzai neighbours, and their Mongol descent is clearly shown in their Kalmuck features, small oblique eyes, high cheek-bones, flat beardless face, and long black hair. Some claim descent from the Koreish Arabs, others from the Toghiani Turks, and others, with more probability, from a number of Mongol families left in this region by Jenghiz Khan, who were afterwards joined by others in the time of Timur Beg (Tamerlane). The national name Hazdra, meaning "a thousand," probably has reference to the innumerable tribal groups into which they are divided, and each of which is governed by its own chief, either a sultan, a khan, a beg, a vali, a mir, or a mehtar, while all recognise the suzerainty of the Ser Khanah (" Head of the House"), who in his turn is dependent on the Amir of Afghanistan. These chiefs, however, are often at war with each other, and seldom combine except to resist the Amir's tax-gatherers or to join in a plundering expedition against some powerful neighbour. The Hazaras allow a large share of freedom to their women, who generally control the domestic relations, take part in the tribal assemblies, and even join in the raids mounted on horseback. South of the Hazaras dwell the kindred Eimaks, from whom they differ little except that the former are violent Shiahs, the latter rigid Sannis. (C. M. Macgregor, Afghanistan, p. 246.)