Gainsborough, a market town and port of North Lincolnshire, on the right bank of the Trent, 21 miles above its junction with the Humber, and 16 miles N.W. of Lincoln. In consists principally of one long street parallel to the Trent, which is crossed by a stone bridge of three arches. Vessels of 200 tons can reach the town. The parish church has been rebuilt, but retains its 12th century tower. There is in the town an oak timber-framed hall with a tower 78 feet high, and forming three sides of a triangle, which is said to have been built by John of Gaunt. Part of it is now used as a corn exchange and assembly-rooms. The grammar school dates from 1589. Other public buildings are the town-hall and the court-bouse. Ship-building, malting, and brewing are carried on, and there are iron and brass foundries, and linseed cake and tobacco factories.