
Note:  Do not rely on this information. It is very old.

Bernard St

Bernard, St., Abbot of Clairvaux, was born in 1091 at Fontaines, Burgundy. In 1113, after studying at the University of Paris, he joined the monastery of Citeaux, and so unswerving was his devotion to duty and the rules of religion that he commanded the esteem and veneration of all about him. He was accordingly selected to lead a band of devotees to found a new branch of the order, which he did in 1115 at Clairvaux in Champagne, he himself becoming abbot. His fame and influence grew, and novices were drawn to Clairvaux who afterwards became distinguished men. A proof of his great influence was furnished in 1130, when he was appealed to to decide the claims of the two rival popes, Anacletus II. and Innocent II. He decided in favour of Innocent, who, though previously banished from Rome, was, at the bidding of St. Bernard, "accepted by the world." Opposed to the doctrines of Abelard, he in 1140 indicted him in a letter to the Pope, and procured sentence of condemnation upon him. He also secured the banishment from Rome and Zurich of Arnold of Brescia. At the council of Vezelai he preached the second Crusade in 1146. The disasters that befel the vast armies that were raised through St. Bernard's preaching, recoiled upon him, as he had predicted success to the Christian arms. He founded about 100 monasteries, and was a prolific writer of epistles, sermons, and theological treatises. He died in 1153 at Clairvaux, and was canonised in 1174.