Bentinck Lord William
Bentinck, Lord William Henry Cavendish, the second son of the third Duke of Portland, was born in 1774. At the age of 17 he entered the army, and in 1796 was returned as member for Camelford. He took little part in politics, being attached to Suwaroffs staff from 1799 to 1801. In 1803 he went out to India as Governor of Madras, but the mutiny at Vellore, brought about by his injudicious treatment of the native troops, led to his recall in 1808. He then went out to the Peninsula, and was present at the battle of Corunna. In 1827 he accepted the post of Governor-General of India. His rule was marked by striking reforms. He put the finances of the country in a healthier condition by cutting down expenses, imposing licence duties, abolishing the system of "double batta," and bringing under taxation large areas that had hitherto enjoyed immunity. He also encouraged the employment of natives by Government, and inaugurated great educational schemes. In 1833 the charter of the Company was renewed on condition that complete freedom of trade should be established with England, and a legal member added to the Governor's Council. Macaulay was sent out as the first occupant of that post. Few wars disturbed Bentinck's governorship, and except in the cases of Coorg and Mysore there was little interference with the native states. He returned to England in 1835, and became member for Glasgow in 1837, but he died in 1839 before he had taken any important part in home politics.