Author Pen Names

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A De Burgh
A Son of the Marshes
A. K. H. B.
A. L. O. E. (A Lady of England)
A. M. R. Gordon
A. Mary F. Robinson
Acton Bell
Ada Cambridge
Ada S Ballin
Adrian Ross
Alan Dale
Alan St. Aubyn
Albert Ross
Alfred Ayres
Ali Baba
Alice Caldwell Hegan
Alice Hawthorne
Alice Spinner
Allen Raine
Amelie Rives
Amy Leslie
Amy Lothtrop
Anatole France
Andre Theuriet
Ann Devoore
Anna Katharine Green
Annie E Holdsworth
Annie Eiehberg
Annie Laurie
Annie S. Swan
Annie Thomas
Annulet Andrews
Anthony Hope
Arp Bill
Artemus Ward
Arthur Amyand
Ascot R. Hope
Athol Forbes
Aubrey Newton
August Mignon
Aunt Elmina
Austin Dobson
Averil Beaumont