Information about: Scorpion

Index | Scorpion

Note: Information is dated. Do not rely on it.

Scorpion. Scorpions have an elongated body, suddenly terminated by a long slender tail formed of six joints, the last of which terminates in an arcuated and very acute sting, which effuses a venomous liquid. This sting gives rise to excruciating pain, but is usually unattended either with redness or swelling, except in the glands of the armpit or groin. It is very seldom, if ever, fatal to man. The animal has four pairs of limbs borne by the thorax or chest segments; the maxillary palpi (organs of touch belonging to the maxillae or lesser jaws) are largely developed, and constitute a formidable pair of nipping claws. With these claws they seize their insect prey, which is afterward killed by the sting. The eyes, which are of the simple kind, number six, eight, or twelve. The female scorpions are said to exhibit great care for their young; they carry them on their backs for several days after being hatched, while they tend them carefully for about a month, when they are able to shift for themselves. Scorpions generally live in dark places, and under stones. They are natives of warm countries in both hemispheres. About 20 species are found in southern United States.