Information about: Nightingale

Index | Nightingale

Note: Information is dated. Do not rely on it.

Nightingale. A group of birds belonging to the genus Daulius inhabiting Europe, Asia, and North Africa. One of these is a summer visitant to the southern and eastern counties of England, arriving about the middle of April. It occurs rarely as far north as Mid-Yorkshire. The plumage of this delightful songster is of a somber hue, being on the upper surface of a reddish brown, redder on the head and rump; the tail a lighter tint; the throat, lower part of the breast, and abdomen, grayish brown. The favorite haunts of this bird are copses and hedge-rows, and its food consists of insects of various descriptions. The nest, which is either on the ground or a low bush, is composed of dry leaves, lined with grass, roots, and hair. The eggs are four or five in number, and of a uniform olive brown, tinged with grayish blue.