Information about: Bulldog

Index | Bulldog

Note: Information is dated. Do not rely on it.

Bulldog. A variety of the common dog, remarkable for its short, broad muzzle, and the projection of its lower jaw, which causes the lower front teeth to protrude beyond the upper. The head is massive and broad; the lips are thick and pendulous; the ears pendent at the extremity; the neck robust and short; the body long and stout; the shoulders wide, and the legs short and thick. The bulldog is a slow-motioned courageous animal, better suited for savage combat than for any purpose requiring activity and intelligence. For this reason it is often emaloyed as a watchdog. It was formerly used - as its name implies - for the barbarous sport of bull baiting. The bull terrier was originally from a cross between the bulldog and the terrier. It is smaller than the bulldog, lively, docile, and very courageous.