Biography of Josephine Diebitsch Peary


Peary (Diebitsch), Josephine. Arctic traveler, author. Born (Diebitsch) and educated in Washington, DC. Married Lieutenant R.E. Peary, United States Navy, explorer, 1888. Accompanied him on his 1891-92 and 1893-94 expeditions as far as winter quarters in Greenland. Was the first white woman to winter with an arctic expedition. Gave birth to a daughter (Marie Ahnighito). Accompanied her husband on his arctic trip in 1897. Went north to meet her husband in 1900. Ship caught in ice and she wintered with her little daughter at Cape Saline, 78° 42' north latitude. Went north again in 1902, returning with her husband. Author: "My Arctic Journal," "The Snow Baby."