Biography of Alexandre Millerand


Millerand, Alexandre. French statesman. Was born in Paris, 1859. He was educated at the Lycee Vanves and the Lycee Henri IV, and studied law at the University of Paris. Entering politics, he became a radical socialist leader and, in 1885, was elected to the Chamber of Deputies. Later he edited "The Voice" and "The Little Republic," both socialist organs. During 1889-1902 he was minister of commerce, and devoted his energies toward various practical reforms. Severing his connection with the Socialist Party, he served as minister of public works, 1909-10, and as minister of war, 1912-15. Continuing active service in the Chamber of Deputies, he was selected delegate to the War Conference in London, 1916, and, following the retirement of Clemenceau, 1920, was chosen premier. Upon the resignation of Deshanel, Millerand was elected president of France, September 23, 1920, for the remainder of the unexpired term, 1920-27.