Biography of David


David. The son of Jesse, of the tribe of Judah. Born in Bethlehem, and flourished in the 11th century BC. He watched the flocks of his father, when Samuel was sent by the Most High to Bethlehem to anoint him king of Israel in the place of Saul, whom he had rejected. War having broken out between the Israelites and the Philistines, he fought and vanquished the giant Goliath. Saul gave him the command of a body of men, but later conceived a great hatred of him. David was exposed to imminent danger, and compelled to seek a refuge among the Philistines. After the death of Saul he was recognized as king of Israel, and defeated the Philistines, the Moabites, the Syrians, and the Ammonites. Many acts of weakness were committed by him, but he obtained forgiveness from God by exemplary penitence. He transported the ark to Jerusalem, and is the reputed author of many of the Psalms.