Biography of Mark Antony


Mark Antony (or Marcus Antonius). An eminent Roman. Born about 83 B.C. He was one of the most active partisans of Julius Caesar down to the death of the latter. After the death of Caesar, he endeavored to succeed to power, but was defeated by Octavianus, the great-nephew of the dictator, and was obliged to cross the Alps. He afterwards became reconciled to Octavianus; Antony, Octavianus, and Lepidus divided the government between them under the title of Triumvirs. Cicero, who had attacked Antony in his Philippic orations, now fell a victim to Antony. Antony afterwards went to Asia, which he had received as his share of the Roman world, and there the greater part of his remaining life was spent. There he became captivated by the charms of Cleopatra, and assumed the pomp and ceremony of an Eastern despot. After the sea-fight off Actium (September 2, 31 B.C.), he fled with Cleopatra to Alexandria, and put an end to his life in the following year, when Octavianus (Augustus) appeared before the city. Died 30 B.C.